Montrose Water Sports Park

Excavation for river realignment and wave drop simulator

Re-routing Uncompaghre River for wave simulator foundation

Concrete placement for wave simulator

Rebar and concrete form work for wave simulator foundation

Rebar and concrete form work for wave simulator foundation

Concrete pumping for wave simulator foundation

Wave simulator installation and river contouring

Night concrete placement for wave simulator foundation

Uncompaghre River bypass piping for wave simulator foundation excavation

River bypass piping for plunge pool excavation

Bypass piping

River channel excavation

Sandstone boulder placement for amphitheater seating

River bypass piping and de-watering for concrete placement

River bypass piping and de-watering

River bypass piping for river channel excavation

River bypass piping

Excavation and de-watering for plunge pool

Excavation and de-watering for wave simulator foundation

River bypass piping